RELATIONSHIP WITH AGE MOVEMENT Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Gene Exon 18 AND 19 IN PATIENTS WITH LUNG CANCER adenocarcinoma

ABSTRACT: Background : Lung cancer is the most common malignancy. It is considered as the highest cause of death.Classification of lung cancer is divided intoSmall Cell Lung Carcinoma (SCLC) andNon - Small Cell Lung Carcinoma (NSCLC). SCLC can spread easily towards another internal organ and sensitive to chemotherapy, while NSCLC grows slowly but resistant to chemotherapy.Adenocarcinoma type NSCLC has EGFR mutation mostly in exon 18, 19, and 21. Age consideration is very important to decide the right therapy for all patients. Objective : The aim of this study to know the correlation between age and the EGFR gene mutation in exon 18 and 19 on adenocarcinoma type lung cancer patients. Method : This study is ananalytic observational study. The researcher is analyzed the correlation between age and the EGFR gene mutation in exon 18 and 19 without any intervention on patients. The design of this study is cross - sectional which is done without follow up. Results : Thirty samples of cytopathology slide have diagnosed with adenocarcinoma type lung cancer consist of 14 positive samples of EGFR gene mutation. The mutation happens in exon 18 (7 cases), exon 19 (2 cases), and exon 21 (5 cases) with 4 cases in men (29%) and 10 cases in women (71%). The patients have age range from 46 - 75 years old and mean value of 57,70 +/- 1,55 years old. The difference between group age < 57 years old and age >/= 57 years old shows a significance value 0,67 (CI 95%, p>0,05) in exon 18 EGFR gene mutation and significance value of 0,18 (CI 95%, p>0,05) in exon 19 EGFR gene mutation. Conclusion : The age doesn't have significant difference statistically in exon 18 and 19 of EGFR gene mutation events on adenocarcinoma type lung cancer patients.