ABSTRACT: Background : Breast cancer emerges as the second most frequant cancer after lung cancer and ranks first as the most common cancer in women. The incidence of locally advanced breast cancer (LABC) in Indonesia is quite high, between 40-80%. Approximately 10-20% of patients, breast cancer stage I - IIIA experienced local and/or regional recurrence within 10 years after mastectomy. Increased risk of recurrence after mastectomy can be classified from clinical, pathologic, and treatment. Objective : To find out the association and the strength of clinicopathologic statuses in the LABC patients who were treated with modified radical mastectomy post neoadjuvant chemotherapy with the incidence of locoregional recurrence. Subjects : All breast cancer patients treated modified radical mastectomy post neoadjuvant chemotherapy in Dr Sardjito Central Hospital Yogyakarta from January to December 2010. Method : This study used a retrospective cohort design. Statistical tests used were chisquared or Fisher exact test for univariate and logistic regression test for multivariate analysis. Result : Total population in this study there were 84 patients with LABC, 14 patients were <40 years old, and 70 patient (83,3%) were 40 – 70 years old. According to the tumor size, 57 patients (67,9%) had tumor ≤ 5 cm. In addition, 53 patients (63,1%) were at stadium IIIA, 41 patients (67,9%) had histologically grade III tumor, and 48 patients (57,1%) had already 1-3 axillary lymphnodes infiltration. In our Cohort, 48 patients (57,1%), 9 patients (10,7%), 13 patients (15,5%) and 14 patients (16,7%) were respectely luminal A, luminal B, triple negative, and Her-2 overexpression according to immunohistochemical subclassification. Locoregional recurrence was significantly correlated with immunohistochemical subtyping of breast cancer (p=0,045), particularly for triple negative (p=0,011). Logistic regression test showed that, triple negative subtype was the most dominant factor (p = 0.011) compared to other breast cancer subtypes for recurrence and tend to increase the incidence of locoregional recurrences by 5 times compared to the other subtypes. Conclussion : Triple negative subtype breast cancer associated significantly with the incidence of locoregional recurrence and could increase risk of locoregional recurrence by 5 times compared to the other subtypes. Keywords : clinicopathologic status, triple negative subtype, locally advanced breast cancer, modified radical mastectomy, chemotherapy neoajuvan, lokoregional recurrence