MOVEMENT PROFILE GEN Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Exon 21 IN PATIENTS WITH LUNG CANCER adenocarcinoma

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Lung cancer contributes as one of the most common cancer burden and related mortalilty in the world. Adenocarcinoma lung cancer is the most frequent type of lung cancer that is mostly diagnosed in female, Asian race and non smokers patients. Adenocarcinoma is related to epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutations incidences. In Asian, EGFR gene mutations are detected mostly in exon 21. Adenocarcinoma treatment nowadays is still using surgery and chemotherapy, which has been related with significant side effects. Effectivity of traditional therapy using surgery and chemotherapy is relatively low in lung cancer. With the invention of targeted therapy for EGFR mutations, we want to analyze about EGFR gene mutation frequency that previously hasnâ��t been explored in Indonesian population. Therefore, application of targeted therapy can be properly and effectively delivered to lung cancer patients. Objective: to investigate exon 21 EGFR gene mutation profiles in patients with adenocarcinoma lung cancer. Methods: Cross sectional study design was conducted for exon 21 EGFR gene mutation among 30 adenocarcinoma lung cancer pateints. DNA was extracted and then analyzed by using PCR for exon 21 EGFR gene, which later followed by electrophoresis and direct sequencing. The data is compiled and analyzed. Results: We found 16,67% of all adenocarcinoma lung cancer with exon 21 EGFR gen mutations. Those with mutations, 4 subjects were â�¤60 years old and 1 subject was >60 years old. Mutations on exon 21 EGFR genes is predominantly female (3 females), compared only 2 males. Conclusion: Mutation of exon 21 EGFR genes in our population were commonly found in female patients and â�¤60 years. Further study involving more patients from different Indonesian regions is required to validate our findings.