COMBINED EFFECTS FRACTION NON n-hexane Ethanol Extract ANT NESTS (Myrmecodia tuberosa Jack) WITH ANTICANCER doxorubicin TO lymphocytes, VERO CELLS AND CELLS IN VITRO T47D

ABSTRACT: Doxorubicine is an option in the treatment of breast cancer. In use, adverse effects of doxorubicin resulted in a decrease in the body's immune system. One way to reduce these side effects is combining doxorubicine and natural medicine. One of them is the combination of the ant nest (Myrmecodia tuberosa Jack). Ant nest proven to increase lymphocyte proliferation, cytotoxic effect on T47D cells and does not affect the Vero cells. The research was done by giving the non n-hexane fraction of the ethanol extract of ant nests in combination with doxorubicine in lymphocyte cells, Vero cells and T47D cells. Four variations of the levels non n-hexane fraction (12.5, 25, 50, 100 mg / mL) in combination with doxorubicine at 0.465 x10-6 M. MTT method used to test the effect of the combination on each cell. Response to the cell, using a microplate reader then reads the results are converted to stimulation index (IS) and the percentage of lymphocytes Vero cell viability and T47D cells. Statistical analysis One-way ANOVA post hoc Tukey was used to compare the effects between treatments. N-hexane fraction non ethanol extract ant increase significantly (p <0.05) the value of the IS cell lymphocytes, percent viability of Vero cells and T47D cells when combined with doxorubicine. Stimulation index values showed a significant increase in the levels of the faction began giving 12.5 mg/mL to as high as 100 mg/mL dose-dependent manner. Value percent Vero cell viability showed a significant increase in the levels begin awarding fraction 25 mg/mL to as high as 100 mg/mL. T47D cell viability percentage values showed a significant increase in the levels of the faction began giving 12.5 mg/mL to as high as 100mg/mL. The conclusion that can be drawn n-hexane fraction of non ethanol extract is non selective ant nest in improving cell growth. N-hexane fraction non ethanol extract ant nest is not suitable for use as co-chemotherapeutic doxorubicine to levels of 100mg/mL.