Social support relationship with anxiety in mothers caring for children with cancer at Hospital Dr. Sardjito

ABSTRACT: Background: Childdiagnosed withcancercauseanxietyin mother. Social supportcanreduceanxiety, important to explores provisionof support Objective: The relationship social support and mother’s anxiety, category ofsocial support received, meaningful, needed by mother treating child with cancer. Methods: This study non-experimentalapproachsequentialexplanatorymixed methodstrategy. Analyticalcorrelationcross sectionalstudyselected byconsecutive sampling, qualitativeexploration selectedobtainedby purposivesamplingThe research instrumentusing SocialSupportQuestionnaire, PediatricInventoryfor Parents, in-depthinterview guide. AnalysisusingPearson and content analysis. Results: The majority ofmother’sworried the long-termeffectsof canceras many as27 people of 49 research subject(motherstreating childwithcancerinInstallingChild HealthHospital Dr.SardjitoinSeptemberOctober2014). Corellation value between number of support persons with mother’s anxiety (r =0.166; p=0.253). Corellation value correlationbetweensatisfactionreceivedsupport with mother’sanxiety(r =-0.330; p=0.021). Qualitative analysis toward 9informants that the mothers gets meaningful support and needed, such as information and emotional support from family, neighbors, friends who have child with cancer, medical staffs. Instrumental supports and appraisal from families, neighbors, friend, medical staffs. Conclusion: There is nocorrelationbetween number of support persons with mother’sanxiety. There isa significantnegativecorrelationbetween satisfactionreceivedsupport with mother’sanxiety. The majority ofmothersconcerned long-term effects ofcancer. Category ofsupport received, meansandneeded mother especially informationandemotionalsupport.